jeudi 5 mars 2015

Hillary Clinton souhaite que les américains puissent lire ses courriels

Hillary Clinton s'est enfin exprimée sur la controverse entourant la gestion de ses courriels alors qu'elle était Secrétaire d'État. Elle a demandé au Secrétariat d'État de les publier.

 "“The State Department will review for public release the emails provided by Secretary Clinton to the Department, using a normal process that guides such releases,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf emailed reporters shortly after Clinton’s tweet. “We will undertake this review as quickly as possible; given the sheer volume of the document set, this review will take some time to complete.”

White House lawyers did not know about Clinton’s email habits, according to a report from The Associated Press, citing a person familiar with the situation.

The AP’s source said that the White House’s Office of General Counsel found out that fact only because of the congressional investigation into the 2012 diplomatic attack in Benghazi, Libya.

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