mardi 30 novembre 2010

Prosecute WikiLeaks, then reform our espionage laws

Je suis présentement aux États-Unis et la couverture médiatique des infos divulguée par WikiLeak est majeure.Voici un avis légal présenté dans le Washington Post. L'Auteur est un ancien avocat de la C.I.A.

Un extrait:

"First, we should seek to prosecute Assange and WikiLeaks. There can be little doubt that his actions violate 18 USC 793 (e), which prohibits anyone with "unauthorized possession" of information relating to the national defense that could harm the United States or help an enemy from willfully communicating that information to someone not authorized to receive it or from willfully retaining the information after the U.S. government has demanded that it be returned. For years, lawyers have debated whether that language could be used to prosecute a newspaper that prints classified information. No legitimate journalist or newspaper has ever been prosecuted under this statute. But it is hard to argue, based on the available facts, that Assange deserves the same treatment as a responsible news organization that carefully considers the views of the government before deciding what, if any, classified information to publish. The Constitution protects the media, but it surely does not protect those who wantonly do great harm."

L'article au complet:

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