vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Amanda Knox ne retournera pas en Italie de son plein gré

 Les résultats de ce second procès en Italie pour Amanda Knox impliquent un éventuel retour de l'américaine en sol italien pour y servir sa peine. La cause qui sera probablement portée en appel pourrait devenir très politique si Knox refuse de coopérer. Les États-Unis, pour préserver leurs relations avec l'Italie, pourraient très bien livrer la jeune femme aux autorités italiennes.

 "Knox's conviction has raised questions about her possible extradition to Italy to serve her 28½-year sentence, handed down in absentia, since she has been in the United States throughout the retrial.

 But Simon said it was too early to talk about extradition since there is still an appeals process to go through, which will probably last another year. Knox, 26, told ABC she would fight every step of the way. "I will never go willingly back to the place where I -- I'm gonna fight this until the very end," she said.

 Asked how she was coping with the situation, her attorney highlighted her strength of character.

 "While she accepted that very difficult news, she has rebounded. She has shown great resilience and fortitude. And with a great deal of family support, they're going to go forward and appeal what we would characterize as a completely unjust conviction," Simon said.

 The attorney argued there was "no evidence" implicating his client in the murder and never had been, adding that it was "incomprehen

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