jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Edward Snowden: s'il plaide coupable nous discuterons avec ses avocats (Eric Holder)

L'attorney general (ministre de la justice)des États-Unis Eric Holder était questionné plus tôt aujourd'hui sur la possibilité d'envisager la clémence ou une grâce présidentielle pour Edward Snowden si ce dernier souhaitait revenir aux États-Unis. "“We’ve always indicated… that the notion of clemency was not something we were willing to consider,”

Holder said at UVA. “Were he to come back to the United States and enter a plea, we would engage with his lawyers.”

 A federal criminal complaint filed in June charges Snowden with three felonies: unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, unauthorized disclosure of communications intelligence information and theft of government property.

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