vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Les élèves plus beaux obtiendraient de meilleures notes!

Pepper Schwartz, professeure de sociologie à l'Université de Washington, commente les résultats d'études qui indiquent que la beauté aurait une influence sur les résultats scolaires.

 "In fact, the authors, whose the larger study -- published in book form by Wiley -- say that "the difference in GPA and college graduation rates between youth rated by others as attractive, versus average in looks, is similar to the differences in academic achievement between youth raised in two-parent versus single-parent families."

If the idea that kids get better grades based on "getting by on looks" frosts you, wait. This will make you nuts: Based on their findings, Gordon and Crosnoe believe that the effects of beauty (or lack thereof) may last far beyond high school graduation. They say there is a cumulative boost (or loss) of self-esteem about one's own appearance that carries over from high school into college and perhaps over a lifetime."

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