jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Les pauvres ne travaillent pas assez selon les républicains

Si des américains sont pauvres, c'est qu'ils ne travaillent pas assez. Cette opinion n'est pas généralisée, mais elle est majoritaire chez des républicains. Il s'agit d'une des informations qui ressort d'un sondage du Pew Research Center.

 "Findings released Thursday by Pew showed that most Republicans think rich people are largely responsible for their socioeconomic status. They also feel the same way about poor people.

 Fifty-seven percent of GOP voters said that a person is rich because "he or she worked harder than others," while just 32 percent attribute it to advantages they enjoyed. The results are almost completely flipped among Democrats.

 Overall, 51 percent of Americans said that people are wealthy due to advantages in life, while 38 percent said it had more to do with hard work.

 Pew also found that 51 percent of Republicans believe that people are poor due to a lack of hard work, compared with just 32 percent who attribute it to circumstances beyond their control.

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