jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Les Français plus tolérants à l'égard de l'infidélité (Pew Eesearch Center)

Suite à l'infidélité du président français François Hollande, le Pew Research Center révèle qu'il n'y aurait que 47% qui considèrent une aventure comme inacceptable. Au Canada, nous serions 76% à désapprouver.

 "Just 47% of the French say it is morally unacceptable for married people to have an affair, the lowest percentage among 39 nations surveyed in 2013 by the Pew Research Center. In fact, France was the only country where less than 50% of respondents described infidelity as unacceptable. Instead, four-in-ten think it is not a moral issue, while 12% say it is actually morally acceptable. And there is essentially no gender gap on this issue, with 45% of French men and 50% of women saying affairs are unacceptable.

 Across the countries polled, a median of 79% consider infidelity unacceptable, including an overwhelming 84% of Americans. This belief is especially widespread in predominantly Muslim nations – nine-in-ten or more hold this view in the Palestinian territories, Turkey, Indonesia, Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Malaysia and Tunisia.

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