vendredi 24 janvier 2014

Les États-Unis devraient cesser de brusquer le Canada (Washington Post)

Billet intéressant de Charles Krauthammer dans le Washington Post de ce matin. Il considère que la Canada n'a pas été bien traité par l'administration Obama, particulièrement dans le dossier du pipeline Keystone XL. On devine un "léger penchant" pour le développement des sables bitumineux. Il n'est pas particulièrement tendre lorsqu'il mentionne les environnementalistes.

 "If Obama wants to cave to his environmental left, fine. But why keep Canada in limbo? It’s a show of supreme and undeserved disrespect for yet another ally. It seems not enough to have given the back of the hand to Britain, Israel, Poland and the Czech Republic, and to have so enraged the Saudis that they actually rejected a U.N. Security Council seat — disgusted as they were with this administration’s remarkable combination of fecklessness and highhandedness. Must we crown this run of diplomatic malpractice with gratuitous injury to Canada, our most reliable, most congenial friend in the world?

 And for what? This is not a close call. The Keystone case is almost absurdly open and shut.

 Even if you swallow everything the environmentalists tell you about oil sands, the idea that blocking Keystone would prevent their development by Canada is ridiculous. Canada sees its oil sands as a natural bounty and key strategic asset. Canada will not leave it in the ground.

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