vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Michelle Obama: la First Lady a 50 ans aujourd'hui

Très populaire auprès de ses compatriotes, Michelle Obama atteint la cinquantaine aujourd'hui et elle affirme ne jamais s'être sentie aussi sûr d'elle. Après des diplômes de Harvard et Princeton, une carrière d'avocate réussie à Chicago, une famille et un mariage qui la mène à la Maison Blanche, la First Lady souhaite continuer à avoir un impact comme mère, épouse et professionnelle. Petite réflexion au passage sur le cap du demi-centenaire...

 "That confidence was on full display when she recently took on the topic of aging and whether she'd ever consider plastic surgery.

 "Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves," Obama said in an interview with People magazine set to release on Friday, her birthday. "Right now, I don't imagine that I would go that route, but I've also learned to never say never."

 And when asked if she has peaked at 50, she joked that first lady is "pretty high up," but said she's always felt her life is "ever-evolving."

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