mardi 21 janvier 2014

Rob Ford à nouveau sur YouTube: les médias américains s'intéressent toujours à son cas.

L'enregistrement n'est pas récent, mais il indique qu'on pourrait ne avoir encore tout vu et entendu sur le web au sujet du maire Ford. TPM (Talking Points Memo) n'est qu'un des sites américains qui rapportent la nouvelle aujourd'hui.

 "A YouTube video posted Tuesday allegedly shows embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford "drunk" and "swearing" in Jamaican patois on Monday night.

Ford's brother, Councillor Doug Ford, told the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale and other reporters Tuesday that the footage clearly showed his brother, but he said it could not have been filmed recently.

 "Rob's a lot heavier in that picture I'll tell you right now than what he is now, so it couldn't have been him," Doug said after viewing the video. "Obviously, that's him, but it didn't happen last night."

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