dimanche 3 juin 2018

Justin Trudeau atteint le point de rupture (The Atlantic)

Même le vénérable "The Atlantic" souligne ici le changement de ton et d'attitude du Premier Ministre canadien. Le G7 qui approche à grands pas risque d'être très animé...

" Trudeau will no doubt have another opportunity this coming week to make the case to Trump when leaders of the world’s seven richest nations gather in Quebec for their annual G7 summit. Trudeau, who is hosting this year’s meeting, had hoped to focus on issues such as climate change, the jobs of the future, growth that benefits everyone, and women’s empowerment. But as Politico reported, there is “unprecedented division over the agenda and what joint statements might be issued out of the summit.”

 "Trump’s tariffs on European products, as well as his reportedly planned levies on German car imports, is going to make this an awkward event. Trade’s not the only reason why: The G7 includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Of that list, three countries—France, Germany, and the U.K.—are part of the nuclear deal with Iran, which Trump pulled out of recently. At that same summit last year, in Taormina, Italy, it became clear Trump would withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord. This time around, it is trade that might get the presidential treatment."


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