jeudi 9 janvier 2014

Robert Gates écorche Obama dans ses mémoires

Ce n'est pas une surprise d'apprendre que le Président Obama entretenait de sérieux doutes sur la guerre en Afghanistan. Ce qui l'est un peu plus c'est la rapidité avec laquelle Roberte Gates, ancien Secrétaire à la défense sous George W. Bush et Obama, publie ses mémoires et se prononce sur l'administration Obama.

 "But the true scandal is Obama’s distance from his own war. Here is a conflict that began with an invasion that he supported, that he consistently called for escalating and that he ordered tens of thousands of additional troops to go fight, yet he resisted taking ownership of it, even though he’s the commander in chief with ultimate responsibility. “I never doubted Obama’s support for the troops,” Gates writes, “only his support for their mission.” Stranger words may never have been written about an American president.

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