lundi 20 mars 2017

Ivanka Trump s'installe dans la "West Wing"

Ivanka Trump a joué un grand rôle pendant la campagne et elle seconde son père depuis son entrée en fonction. Elle s'installe maintenant près du bureau du Président dans un rôle qui s'apparente à celui des autres conseillers.

 "In everything but name, the first daughter is settling in as what appears to be a full-time staffer in her father’s administration, with a broad and growing portfolio — except she is not being sworn in, will hold no official position, and is not pocketing a salary, her attorney said.

Ivanka Trump’s role, according to her attorney Jamie Gorelick, will be to serve as the president’s “eyes and ears” while providing broad-ranging advice, not just limited to women’s empowerment issues. Last week, for instance, Ivanka Trump raised eyebrows when she was seated next to Angela Merkel for the German chancellor’s first official visit to Trump’s White House."

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