vendredi 17 mars 2017

Rencontre Trump-Merkel: un moment embarrassant

Donald Trump a été fidèle à sa réputation et à son style pendant la conférence de presse qui a suivi sa rencontre avec la chancelière allemande. Il a été moins question de l'OTAN et des relations entre les deux pays que des de l'abrogation d'Obamacare, des accusations du Président envers Barack Obama et du mauvais travail des journalistes. On imagine que Mme Merkel devait se demander comment se comporter pendant ce cirque. Diplomatie?

 "During the press conference, the American journalist Mark Halperin asked Merkel a question about whether she thought Trump’s “different style” than past president was good for the world. The chancellor gamely tried to answer.

 “For Germany I can say, well people are different, people have different abilities, different traits of character, have different origins, have found their way into politics along different pathways,” she said through a translator. “Which, well, that is diversity, which is good! Sometimes it’s difficult to find compromises, but that’s what we’ve been elected for.”

 The fact that Merkel had to work hard to say something diplomatic in response to such a softball question said a great deal about the press conference. But give the chancellor credit for effort—Trump didn’t even bother to try diplomacy."

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