samedi 24 janvier 2015

Arabie saoudite et États-Unis: un moment charnière?

Le décès du roi Abdallah survient à un moment important dans les relations entre l'Arabie saoudite et les États-Unis. Cette relation, comparable à un "mariage forcé", a grandement évolué sous les présidences de George W. Bush et Barack Obama. Au coeur des disccusions on retrouves les dossiers de la Syrie et du nucléaire iranien.

 "“The president certainly hopes, and we expect, that the strong relationship that exists between the United States and Saudi Arabia will endure under the leadership of the new king,” Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said Friday. The Saudis have long relied on the United States as their military umbrella. But that relationship soured after King Abdullah felt that Mr. Obama was ignoring the region, or at least Saudi concerns. According to a leaked diplomatic memo, in 2008 King Abdullah urged the United States to weigh military action against Iran to “cut off the head of the snake.” Now the Saudis worry about an American deal with Iran, and Saudi Arabia, like Israel, relishes the split between Congress and the White House over more sanctions and the possibility that they could scuttle an agreement.

And the interests of the two countries tend to diverge on other issues, especially combating Al Qaeda and other extremist organizations, which receive some of their funding from Saudi sources. “I think the Saudis and the Americans have developed the habit of coexisting with their disagreements,” said Khalid al-Dakhil, a political-science professor in Riyadh, the Saudi capital."

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