lundi 26 janvier 2015

Obama et Narendra Modi: un pari risqué

On considère souvent que le président américain est froid et distant, pourtant il a fait l'accolade à Modi et le premier ministre indien parle ouvertement de son amitié avec Barack Obama. Leur relation paraît naturelle et elle dégage une certaine chaleur qui va au-delà des habituelles déclarations. Obama fait-il le bon pari en se rapprochant de ce leader?

 "Multiple investigations later, nothing’s ever been pinned on Modi directly — though suspicions abound that this may have to do with evidence that was destroyed. But the Bush administration felt confident enough that he was complicit in the riots to make him, in 2005, the only person ever denied a visa under a law punishing foreigners involved in religious persecution.

 The White House is trying not to think about any of that. It’s focused on building up the economic ties, the India-U.S. strategic relationship, the re-balance toward Asia. Modi hasn’t done anything so far as prime minister that’s troubling to the West Wing, and maybe he really is a changed man — or perhaps just a savvy man who knows he’s got to leave his roots behind to get what he wants."

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