jeudi 22 janvier 2015

Ferguson: le département de la justice ne poursuivra pas Darren Wilson

Le Département de la justice des États-Unis en arrive à la conclusion que les droits civils de Michael Brown n'ont pas été bafoués et qu'il n'y a pas matière à poursuite. On ferme ce dossier ou on anticipe d'autres soulèvements?

 "Soon after the shooting, witnesses told reporters that Mr. Brown had his hands up in a gesture of surrender when he was shot and killed by Mr. Wilson on a city street.

The F.B.I. investigation, however, painted a murkier picture. Mr. Wilson told investigators that Mr. Brown had tussled with him through the window of his police car and tried to grab his gun, an account supported by bruises and DNA evidence. Two shots were fired during that struggle.

What happened next, as the confrontation moved into the street, is in dispute. While some witnesses were adamant that Mr. Brown had his hands up, some recanted their stories. Mr. Wilson testified that Mr. Brown had charged at him, and other witnesses backed up his account."

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