lundi 26 janvier 2015

Un ancien de la C.I.A. coupable d'avoir coulé de l'information

L'ancien agent Jeffrey Sterling connaîtra sa sentence le 24 avril. L'origine de la poursuite remonte à 2003 sous l'administration de George W. Bush.

 "The investigation arose after Times national security reporter James Risen began making calls to government spokespeople in 2003 about a CIA operation aimed at undermining Iran’s nuclear program.

Risen said he’d learned that the program involved transmitting flawed nuclear weapons designs to the Iranian government via a Russian nuclear engineer working undercover for the U.S. spy agency, but the journalist also said some privy to the program believed the flaws were too obvious and might have ultimately benefited Iran’s nuclear efforts.

The Times killed the story at the request of senior officials in President George W. Bush’s White House, including then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. The standout celebrity witness at the trial testified that she intervened to try to halt the story at the direct instruction of the president.

 Risen, however, published an account of the CIA operation in his 2006 book “State of War.” The publication apparently reanimated the government’s investigation of the leak and led to Sterling’s indictment in 2010."

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