lundi 26 janvier 2015

"Je suis Abdullah": Obama à Riyad , mais pas à Paris

Je ne suis pas étonné que POLITICO soulève cette question. Obama a été vivement critiqué chez lui pour ne pas avoir participé à la marche de solidarité à Paris près l'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo. Pourtant il interrompt un important voyage pour assister aux funérailles d'un roi dont le bilan est controversé.

 "It may seem unseemly to some that Obama is rushing to pay his respects to a feudal monarchy while failing to honor innocent victims of terrorism. But there’s more at stake in this visit than appearances.

U.S. officials are eager to establish a working relationship with the new Saudi king as soon as possible amid unrest that threatens both countries: Islamic State of Syria in the Levant (ISIL) has beheaded Americans and controls large amounts of territory in neighboring Syria. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has resurged in another Saudi neighbor, Yemen, as rival militias have seized the country’s capital and deposed the U.S.-friendly president. And with his administration deep in nuclear negotiations with Iran, Obama needs to reassure Saudi leaders uneasy over the United States’ rapprochment with its geopolitical and religious rival."

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