mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Obama is in your face! (POLITICO)

 Beaucoup de dossiers ont été ignorés par le président hier, mais il a été agressif en insistant sur les réalisations de son gouvernement. Il ne s'est surtout pas gêné pour mentionner la Russie de Vladimir Poutine.

 "That Vladimir Putin fella? The guy that conservatives praised for his action and determination? “He makes a decision and he executes it, quickly,” Rudy Giuliani said of Putin last March. “And then everybody reacts. That’s what you call a leader!” Yeah, well, what do you think of your Putin now, Rudy?

“Last year, as we were doing the hard work of imposing sanctions along with our allies, some suggested that Mr. Putin’s aggression was a masterful display of strategy and strength,” Obama said Tuesday night. “Well, today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters!”

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