jeudi 22 janvier 2015

Michelle Obama "The good wife"

J'accorde généralement peu importance à ce type de nouvelle ou de couverture médiatique, mais je trouvais la symbolique un peu plus intéressante cette fois. La tenue sélectionnée par la First lady est-elle révélatrice d'un éventuel retour à la pratique?  Si le traitement du sujet demeure un peu plus "people", prenez une ou deux minutes pour en faire la lecture.

"More important is that this is the first time Obama has worn an actual suit to the State of the Union. In the past, she has chosen a dress, sometimes sleek and sleeveless, sometimes accompanied by a jaunty cardigan, sometimes with a puffy, girlish skirt. While Obama would still occasionally wear a suit — even a Kors one — mostly she has made the dress her uniform. It has been a way of always looking polished and poised, while diminishing memories of her as the corporate lawyer on the campaign trail — a suited-up persona, both literally and figuratively, that unnerved no small number of people. Her tendency to wear dresses also paralleled the fashion industry’s push to get more women into them — a silhouette that many designers envisioned as the new emblem of power. It was a win for both Seventh Avenue and the East Wing."

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