mercredi 14 janvier 2015

L'Allemagne et Charlie Hebdo: la prochaine cible? (POLITICO)

Ines Pohl, éditeur d'un journal satirique allemand, explique pourquoi il publie le nouveau numéro de Charlie Hebdo.  Un événement en France qui a des répercussions en Allemagne et auquel les médias américains accordent une couverture importante.

 "Like Charlie Hebdo, taz often uses satire to challenge the so-called mainstream. We, too, have run satirical images of Prophet Mohammed. We decided to re-publish Charle Hebdo’s first post-massacre cover on Wednesday not only to express our solidarity but also as a proof that terrorists won't stop us from printing whatever we want to say—about Islam or any religion.

After the massacre in Paris last week, it didn’t take long before a police car was parked in front of our building. Since the morning of January 8 heavily armed police have stood in front of the entrance, their machine guns at the ready. The alert has risen since the attack on a German paper in Hamburg in the early Sunday morning hours where, fortunately, nobody was hurt. There are some picture posts on Facebook making fun of this scene at taz, which itself sounds like a satire since we are known as some of the loudest critics of the police in Germany, and many of our editorials have urged police not to wear weapons in public. And yet here we are ..."

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