jeudi 16 mars 2017

Angela Merkel rencontre Donald Trump demain: qu'espère-t-elle?

Donald Trump a eu dans le passé des mots très durs envers la chancelière Merkel. Elle souhaiterait le convaincre qu'ils doivent s'entraider. Peut-elle contrer l'escalade?

 "But if ever there were a politician capable of putting aside personal feelings in pursuit of her country’s strategic interests, it’s the German chancellor. One needn’t look further than the events of the past week. After Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused German officials of Nazi tactics for barring Turkish politicians from holding rallies in the country, Merkel’s response was that she was “saddened.” Erdoğan followed up Monday evening, claiming Merkel “supports terrorists.” Her spokesman said she wouldn’t dignify the accusation with a response."

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