lundi 6 mars 2017

Ben Carson, les esclaves et les immigrants...

Ben Carson débute tout juste son travail au sein de l'administration et déjà on relève une déclaration maladroite et particulièrement controversée. Lors de sa première allocution il a associé les esclaves et les immigrants, comparant leur réalité. Vraiment? Manque-t-il à ce point de perspective historique? Misère... Un grand chirurgien qui n'a assurément pas un grand talent de communicateur. Les esclaves entassés sur les négriers rêvaient d'améliorer leur sort lorsqu'on les forçait à traverser l'Atlantique pour travailler dans les champs de tabac ou de coton?

 "In what appears to be an embarrassing pattern of mis-steps on race for the Trump administration, Carson told a room packed with hundreds of federal workers that the Africans captured, sold and transported to America against their will had the same hopes and dreams as early immigrants.

“That's what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less,” said Carson, speaking extemporaneously as he paced the room with a microphone. “But they, too, had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great grandsons, great granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”

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