jeudi 9 mars 2017

John Huntsman deviendrait ambassadeur en Russie: son parcours est une véritable odyssée

Je m'intéresse à la carrière de John Hunstman depuis 2008. Nommé ambassadeur pour la première fois à 32 ans, un exploit en soi, il a eu ensuite un parcours particulièrement intéressant malgré des insuccès lors des campagnes présidentielles. L'auteur de cet article effectue un survol de son cheminement.

 "The portrait of Huntsman in Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s book about the 2012 election was particularly unflattering. Both the candidate and his wife are depicted as especially shallow. Then-White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley called Huntsman in the middle of the night in Beijing after reading a Washington Post story about his campaign-in-waiting while he was still serving as Obama’s ambassador. “This is a pretty s---y way to treat someone who gave you the opportunity of a lifetime,” Daley told him. Huntsman denied The Post’s report, even though he knew it was accurate."

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