mardi 14 mars 2017

La famille du gendre de Trump sur le point de signer une entente de 400 millions avec une firme chinoise

J'ai bien souvent évoqué le potentiel de conflits d'intérêts de Donald Trump et de son entourage. Rien ne dit que cette entente soit illégale, mais comme Kushner est devenu un conseiller important de Donald Trump, chaque décision scrutée à la loupe et les questions d'éthique reviennent souvent sur le tapis.

 "If signed, the deal would mark the financial marriage of two politically powerful families in the world’s two biggest economies, but it also presents the possibility of glaring conflicts of interest. The Kushner family, owners of the tower, would reap a large financial windfall courtesy of a Chinese company, even as Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to Mr. Trump as well as his son-in-law, helps oversee American foreign policy.

In his presentation to prospective investors, Charles Kushner, the leader of the family company and Jared’s father, has said that once renovated, the property would be worth more than $7 billion, according to a real estate broker and two investors who have heard the pitch and spoke on condition of anonymity because they want to do further business with the companies. That would make it the most valuable property in all of Manhattan."

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