dimanche 5 mars 2017

Présidence Trump: placer la barre toujours plus bas?

Peu m'importe que la présidence soit démocrate ou républicaine lorsque j'analyse la politique américaine, mais si je m'intéresse au système lui-même ou aux institutions politiques, je peux difficile éviter de souligner à quel point jusqu'à maintenant Donald Trump a montré peu de respect pour la fonction qu'il occupe ou pour le rôle des élus. Est-il le premier a entaché la fonction? Assurément pas, mais la barre est poussée vers le bas...

 "“At the right time,” President Trump said during his campaign for president, “I will be so presidential, you will be so bored.” That time appeared to come Tuesday, when the president — in his first address to Congress — “reached for poetry,” “adopted a statesmanlike cadence” and laid forth, through a tribute to a slain American soldier, “one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics,” causing the Dow Jones industrial average to soar. It wasn’t boring, per se, but pundits appeared to think it was “presidential.” Does being president automatically make one presidential, as Kellyanne Conway once claimed about the president-elect? Not quite. In an effort to echolocate a very low (The lowest! Failing! Sad!) bar, a quick look at “presidential” behavior, then and now."


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