samedi 10 janvier 2015

David Petraeus poursuivi par le F.B.I. et les États-Unis?

J'avais mentionné cette histoire il y a déjà un certain temps. Le général à la retraite David Petraeus, peut-être le gradé le plus influent de sa génération, a également dirigé la C.I.A.. Au même moment il entretenait une liaison avec sa biographe Paula Broadwell (photo). Cette dernière aurait eu accès à des documents secrets. Même si le président Obama avait tenté de rassurer la population au moment où Petraeus quittait son poste à la C.I.A., les enquêteurs recommandent d'intenter des poursuites.

 "At a news conference shortly after Mr. Petraeus resigned, President Obama said he had no evidence that Mr. Petraeus had disclosed classified information “that in any way would have had a negative impact on our national security.”

 “We are safer because of the work that Dave Petraeus has done,” Mr. Obama said, referring to his career in government. “And my main hope right now is — is that he and his family are able to move on and that this ends up being a single side note on what has otherwise been an extraordinary career.”

But investigators concluded that, whether or not the disclosure harmed national security, it amounted to a significant security breach in the office of one of the nation’s most trusted intelligence leaders. They recommended that Mr. Petraeus face charges, saying lower-ranking officials had been prosecuted for far less.

Federal agents stumbled onto the affair after Jill Kelley, a friend of Mr. Petraeus’s, complained to the F.B.I. that she had received anonymous threatening emails about her relationship with Mr. Petraeus. F.B.I. agents opened a cyberstalking investigation, traced the message to Ms. Broadwell and began searching her emails. That is when they discovered evidence that she and Mr. Petraeus were having an affair."

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