jeudi 8 janvier 2015

L'attentat contre Charlie Hebdo et les "Truthers"

Des partisans des théories du complot avancent des responsables bien différents que ce qui circule actuellement dans les médias. Qui est responsable de l'attaque d'hier? Le Mossad? Barack Obama? Les services de renseignements américains?

 "The likelihood that an Islamic terror group is responsible hasn't stopped some people from suggesting that Israel is somehow responsible. The International Business Times India published this piece blaming the Israeli spy agency Mossad:

Although there is no way to verify the claims that Mossad was involved, the backdrop in which the attack took place seems to indicate that they might be involved, many conspiracy theorists have noted. Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection and has undertaken many covert operations for Israel in Europe that aim to further their Jewish cause."

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