jeudi 16 mars 2017

Budget Trump: les gagnants et les perdants

Retour sur les mesures proposées par l'administration Trump. Un budget en lien avec les priorités du Président américain. Si l'armée et la sécurité bénéficient de hausses intéressantes, presque tous les autres budgets sont affectées à la baisse, principalement le secrétariat d'état et l'environnement.

 "Trump’s first budget proposal, which he named “America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again,” would increase defense spending by $54 billion and then offset that by stripping money from more than 18 other agencies. Some would be hit particularly hard, with reductions of more than 20 percent at the Agriculture, Labor and State departments and of more than 30 percent at the Environmental Protection Agency.

It would also propose eliminating future federal support for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Within EPA alone, 50 programs and 3,200 positions would be eliminated."

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